Drinking Water

Don’t take the quality of your drinking water for granted. Kinetico’s K5 Drinking water station allows AquaTex to offer customized drinking water treatment options.
K5 Drinking Water Station
While funny tastes and odor, or water that appears cloudy, can be signs of impurities, many harmful contaminants can only be detected through proper testing. Private well water can be affected by any number of contaminating factors, while municipally treated water that meets all federal guidelines has been found to contain bacteria, viruses and protozoa, along with a host of other contaminants.*
Contact AquaTex now for a free water analysis.
Only one drinking water system is so advanced that it can eliminate nearly everything from your home’s drinking water that isn’t water: The Kinetico K5 Drinking Water Station from AquaTex.
- Certified to remove more contaminants than any other system
- It’s customizable to your home’s specific filtration needs
- It’s expandable as your water filtration needs change over time
- Flow from faucet is up to two times greater than any other drinking water system on the market
- Can produce more than 40 gallons of water daily
- Non-electric system runs on hydropower
- Its 10-year limited warranty is the longest in the business
- NSF International and Water Quality Association certified
Learn more about water:
- Bottle versus tap.
- Water and your health.
- Water keeps you young.
- Pharmaceuticals in water.
- Contact AquaTex.
*These contaminants are not necessarily in your water.